2019년 전 세계 영어권 302개 언론(SNS, 구글 등)에 기사와 동영상 보도

  • 등록 2020.01.16 16:09:57



[Global Power Brand Award] BULLS CO., Ltd, the front runner of machinizing crop-cultivation, proved their quality by exporting to Australia·Japan




BULLS which leads plot cultivating machine industry is doing their best to solve lack of man power in rural areas and to help improve income of farmhouse. After founded on 2000, they became truely a front runner of crop-cultivation machinizing by contriving·manufacturing various plot cultivating machines such as multi-purpose loop molding machine · vinyle coating machine · seeding machine on tractor · pest control device · underground plant harvesters · trunk cutting machine and etc. Based on its outstanding technology, BULLS has been recognized of its fine quality while exporting products world wide to countries of Austrailia · Japan · Italy · China · Kazakhstan and others.




According to the data provided by Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs, domestic rice farming machinization rate is 97.9%. Compared to this, plot farming machinization rate ended up just upto 58.3%. Among them, machinization of seeding and operation 8.9%, harvesting on 23.9%.

The government plans to increase plot machinization rate upto 75% by 2022 using 4000 hundred million. To catch up with the plan, BULLS focused on seeding and harvesting related agricultural machine investigation and development. This year Rural Developlement Administration(RDA) appointed 3 models of powered seeding machine and 2 models of underground plant harvester as New Technology Agriculture Machine(NET), acknowledging BULLS’ fine quality and technology. Young Jo Nam, CEO of BULLS stated “We will do our best on quality improvement and research and investigaion to supply the product that farmer really want.” - Reporter at Korean sisa economy : Yoon Kwang Hee            Sources : www.hksisaeconomy.com


BULLS_2018 Global Power Brand Award





Global Power Brand Award BULLS


- Media : ContactCompany
- Name: BULLS CO., Ltd.
- Contact Person: Media Relations
- Email: Send Email
- Phone: +82-54-954-2810
- Country: South Korea
- Website: www.ibulls.co.kr




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